Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Empress Revisions

Some revisions to the Empress character design:

I am leaning towards this version, even though it kind of looks like a Bratz doll.

Character Line-up: The Empress's New Clothes

The is the first draft character line-up for my All-Goth Extravaganza: The Empresses New Clothes.  I am not entirely sure I love the All-Goth Idea.  Once I get the characters to my liking, I am going to play around with costume and setting.

Draw a Monster - Homework for ArtDM 165

I decided to do the beginning class's homework, only in color.  I need more practice using color. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

While I sort through my art, deciding what to post, I thought I would share this website, which is my current obsession:  There is more material there than I can read in a lifetime, on every subject I can think of.  Check it out.